Outdoor walking coaching and workshop facilitation

Why learn and develop while walking?

Walking is trendy…

Why not add a breath of fresh air to your learning and development offer, by considering coaching and facilitating workshops in the great outdoors…

How is it different from coaching and facilitating indoors?

Coaching and facilitating are outdoors, in the city or the countryside. As we trade in our familiar, predictable surroundings (between four walls) for walking in the outdoors, I take advantage of the spontaneous stimuli of outdoor elements to work on the learning or development goal. In a constantly changing environment, people more easily distance themselves and my questions and interventions will resonate in an entirely different way.

As such, walking and nature become true allies in the learning process.

What does walking coaching and outdoor facilitating do for your employees?

  • Employees get to set their own pace... I walk along with them, beside them, close by, whilst guiding them.
  • We walk side by side, making it easier to let thoughts flow more freely.
  • The fresh outdoor air has a positive effect on body and mind.
  • They (re)discover their senses and their creativity is heightened.
  • Walking literally gets people going. They feel freer, with more space to move. This broadens the horizon of possibilities, solutions and actions.

Nature and walking become allies to help your employees get where they want to be and become who they want to be.

What is in it for your organisation?

  • Offer an alternative way of learning and developing, outside the familiar, sometimes restrictive surroundings.
  • Give your employees the space to develop at their own pace.
  • Encourage them to talk and share more freely.
  • Encourage creativity, (re)discovery of the senses and broadening horizons, which in turn will stimulate out-of-the-box and innovative thinking.
  • Work preventatively to secure their well-being and reduce their risk of stress, fatigue and burn-out.
  • Engage employees in development, especially those for whom growth and development within four walls is not attractive.
  • Respond to current trends in employee development.

Loopbaanbegeleiding VDAB in partnership with the career centre YourCoach

How to add a breath of fresh air to your current learning and development offer?


walk your change – individual – walking coaching or focus walking day
walk your way – group – multi-day walking retreat


walk your growth – group - Career Discovery Trajectory, by TalentLogiQs
walk your growth – group - Discover your strengths, by Strengthscope®


walk your dream – inspirational walk around a work theme


walk your silence – group – silent walk
walk your mind - group – mindful walk
walk your senses – group – sun walk


walk your body – group - hiking day or multi-day hike
walk your joy – group – playful walk

Walking workshops on developing leadership skills, personal development and talent management can be tailor-made and facilitated. Our paths may cross again later if an employee needs individual coaching.

Individual career coaching can be covered with the VDAB loopbaancheques.

Be inspired by walking coaching and retreats and contact me with questions or to develop a concept for your organisation.

Stéphanie Stéphanie

Walk with Stéphanie

Your partner in leadership and personal development