Walking coaching and retreats

Coming soon
Walk and more

Walk your joy | 3 hours

When was the last time you danced?

When was the last time you sang?

When was the last time you told a story?

When was the last time you had a good laugh?

When... You see where I'm going with this...

Let’s go outside and play. I will guide you along with a series of playful assignments and exercises to rediscover the laughter and fun like we had before.

So, as we walk,

  • you jump,
  • you run,
  • you play,
  • you snack,
  • and just have fun!

We will walk 5 to 7 km in fresh outdoor air. Bring along something to drink.

You will (re)discover your inner child and go home energised.

Let’s go outside and play, as children do!


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